Barrie invites observations on planning, zoning, official plan from construction industry

Barrie survey

The City of Barrie is embarking on a process to review their various planning processes.

“This will be an on-going review of the Official Plan/Zoning By-law Amendment; Site Plan; Plan of Subdivision; and Committee of Adjustment processes,” Barrie Construction Association (BCA) executive director Alison Smith wrote in a note to association members.

“The purpose is to collect comments, through a survey format, of those who have interacted with these services starting in 2013. The comments will be reviewed and strategies will be formulated and initiated with the objective of enhancing the current processes beginning as soon as this fall.”

“The survey should take approximately five minutes to complete, is completely anonymous, and will give the city excellent feedback to undertake enhancements to the current level of service,” she wrote.” Later this summer, the city will provide a summary of the comments, including enhancement strategies, to your organization for your information.”