BCA course: CCA and CCDC Standard Contracts overview

cca ccdc contracts

The Barrie Construction Association (BCA) is offering a course on Aug. 31 to provide insights into standard construction documentation.

The course, accredited by the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) for one Gold Seal Credit, will explain:

  • The role of contract documents in framing sound agreements;
  • Primary rights and responsibilities vs. secondary rights and responsibilities;
  • The legal requirements of an assignment of responsibilities (subcontracting);
  • The structure of typical CCDC and CCA documents;
  • Which CCDC and CCA forms are used to create a stipulated price, unit price, cost-plus, construction management, design build and subordinate contracts;
  • How each of these arrangements work; and
  • The risks associated with them and how the documents manage that risk.

The course at the BCA headquarters, 200 Brock. St. runs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Members pay $250 plus HST; the fee is $350 plus HST for non-members. Lunch is provided.