BCA hosts roundtable on OHSA training regulations on July 25

Multi-ethnic workers (20s, 30s) with hardhats, putting on safety harness.

The Ministry of Labour is proposing amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Awareness and Training Regulation (O. Reg. 297/13) under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The amendments, if approved, would apply to employers who engage in “construction” as defined under the Act.

The Barrie Construction Association will host a roundtable discussion on this development on Monday July 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

“This is your opportunity to put forth your opinion on these amendments,” wrote membership services co-ordinator Byrony Buchanan. “The discussion will be facilitated by an industry expert and the BCA will package and present your documents to the Ministry of Labour and the Council of Ontario Construction Associations on your behalf.”

“As we are all aware, most regulations are created and imposed on the construction industry without consultation by those that actually work in the industry. This is your chance to shape what the new regulation will look like, don’t miss out.”

See this link for more information about the regulations.