COCA developing Ontario E-bidding guide for subcontractors


The Board of Directors of the Council of Ontario Construction Associations (COCA), at the request of its members, has organized a working group to develop an Ontario E-Bidding Guide for Sub Contractors, Barrie Construction Association executive director Alison Smith says in a note to the association’s membership.

“Once it’s completed, the guide is intended to be used to assist trade contractors in their bidding activities. Public and private buyers of construction are increasingly transitioning to electronic tendering, which makes listing inclusions and exclusions impossible, making this guide extremely helpful,” she wrote. “It will not be a legal document but rather a best practices manual for bidding to help construction buyers and general contractors get complete bids.”

The COCA Working Group has developed a division of work for each trade based on a document successfully developed by the Alberta Construction Association, Smith wrote.

BCA members are able to participate in the division reviews — members should contact the appropriate trade association should they wish to participate.

“It is the hope of the working group that the Ontario E-Bidding Guide for Sub Contractors will be a joint effort of industry stakeholders and reflect current technology and business practices, and will be a consensus document through input received from industry volunteers,” she reported.

The Working Group hopes to have a draft document completed in late 2015. This document will be circulated to all Local Construction Associations.