Progress continues on Metrolinx transit projects RFP closed for East Rail Maintenance Facility


 The request for proposals period for the GO Transit East Rail Maintenance Facility project is now closed and the short-listed bidders have submitted their proposals.

When complete, the East Rail Maintenance Facility will accommodate light and heavy maintenance work and provide additional train storage and daily maintenance for up to 22 trains, each having 12 cars.

The project will make public transit more reliable in the region and supports Metrolinx’s regional transportation plan, The Big Move.

Over the next couple of months, Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx will evaluate submissions, select a preferred proposal and negotiate a final contract with a preferred bidder. The entire process is being overseen by a fairness monitor. A successful team will be announced in winter 2014.

A copy of the request for proposals is available on Infrastructure Ontario’s website at

The company selected for the East Rail Maintenance Facility will pursue LEED Silver or greater designation by incorporating sustainable practices in its design and construction plans.

The federal government will provide a portion of the funding for eligible construction costs. The Province of Ontario and Metrolinx will be responsible for the remaining costs.