Simcoe County town reviewing urban guidelines


Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Town of New Tecumseth, south of Barrie, has started a review of municipal urban design guidelines.

With significant growth expected over the next few decades, staff advised “ensuring that we have the right urban design guidelines in place to develop healthy complete communities is paramount.

“We are looking for your feedback on how we can design our communities better to meet the needs of all residents despite age or ability.

The project is divided into three phases with town staff and a consultant working to:

Phase 1: Project Initiation – Q4 2022 – Q1 2023

  • complete a detailed background analysis and complete a needs assessment report

Phase 2: Education and Awareness Campaign – Q1 – Q3 2023

  • develop a set of guiding principles for the guidelines and a draft table of contents. undertake a series of engagement and awareness initiatives to help increase knowledge of Urban Design
  • host a public information session and a council working session

Phase 3: Development of Draft Guidelines – Q2- Q4 2023

develop a draft set of Urban Design Guidelines for review and feedback by stakeholders, the public and council

host final public information session, and complete Committee of the Whole presentation to deliver the final proposed guidelines.

The first public meeting was held in December and comments can be submitted on the project website.

“We would also love to hear what you like or don’t like about the urban design in our communities or urban design in general. Please submit your stories and pictures to the urban design team,” the project website states.

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