Base Borden Run raises more than $26,000 for Operation Hero scholarship

Canadian Forces Base Borden representatives, Base Borden Run co-chairs and Georgian College officials gathered at the Barrie Campus in November to celebrate the success of the run and to announce that $26,400 had been raised for Operation Hero at this year’s event. Pictured left to right: Colonel Liam McGarry; honorary colonel Jamie Massie; Georgian College Students’ Association – Barrie president Avery Konda; Anita Stacey, Barrie Construction Association; Georgian College Board of Governors chair Tom McBride; Mark Mulder, Simcoe County Home Builders’ Association; Georgian College president and CEO MaryLynn West-Moynes; and chief warrant officer Michael Charette.

The seventh annual Base Borden Run has raised $26,000 for the Operation Hero scholarship to ensure future students will benefit from the fund. The run, founded by the Barrie Construction Association and the Simcoe County Home Builders’ Association, took place in late September at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden.

The scholarship supports dependents and spouses of serving members of the Canadian Forces in their pursuit of secondary education through Georgian College. Over the past seven years more than $190,000 has been raised through the run to support the program.

A media release announcing this year’s results quoted Georgian College president MaryLynn West-Moynes as saying the run “is a truly collaborative effort that signifies the profound respect the local community has for veterans and serving members of the Canadian military.”

She went on to say: “We deeply appreciate the sacrifices made by the family members of Operation Hero recipients. We owe it to the brave men and women who have served, and who currently serve., to do all we can to live our best life and to help others in support of our country.”

More information about the Operation Hero scholarship and the Base Borden Run is available at