Oro-Medonte schedules public meeting before raising building permit fees


Oro-Medonte has announced a June 25 public meeting to review changes to the municipal building bylaw, including revisions to the building division’s fees.

The legal notice issued on June 3 reads in part: “The effect of the proposed fee revisions are proposed to be increased to better reflect the costs of administering those Building Permit categories and to ensure that general tax revenues are not required to subsidize those Building Permit processes, as per BCA 7.(2).

“Further information along with the proposed new schedule is available for review during business hours, in the Building Division, Township of Oro-Medonte, 148 Line 7 S, Oro, Ontario on on the Township’s website at www.oro-medonte.ca. For further information, you may also contact Bobbi Leppington, Chief Building Official (705) 487-2171 during normal business hours or by e-mail at bleppington@oro-medonte.ca.