President’s Message – Robert Stiemer

    2017-8 board of directors
    The 2017 BCA Board of Directors. Front row L to R: Janet Valentine, Brian Westermann, Jeanne Kempffer. Robert Stiemer, Colleen Ewart; back row: Scott Garrett, Mike Kubica, Dave Beardsall, Russ Kerr, Scott Ward, Scott Everton, Blair Chambers. (Not pictured: Anita Stacey)

    I joined the association in 2008 with the intention of meeting business owners to expand my small company. Let’s be honest, most of our business relationships start here. What I got, I feel, is more than that. I have had the pleasure and privilege to meet a group of like-minded individuals who have expanded my knowledge of the construction industry with respect to the difficulties and, of course, the successes, we all face in our own trades, professions, supply chains and yes, even the municipalities.

    Robert Stiemer

    Through my term from board member to president, I have been fortunate to be part of the BCA’s growing focus on how best to develop our status in the community to further provide benefit and exposure for our members. Exposure through community efforts such as the BCA/Rock 95 community stage, collaboration with SCHBA of a weekend build for a family in need and collaboration with the SCHBA on the Base Borden run are just a few examples of the community efforts the BCA has been involved with.

    Our Construction Relationships, Constructing Solutions message continues to evolve by providing venues for a connection between our members and the purchasing community, and bringing relevant information to our members. This is a top of mind item on the board’s agenda and is further being explored by a recent survey to members about their impression of the BCA and what we can do to provide what the members would like to see. If you were not contacted and would like the opportunity to participate in the survey, the door is always open.

    I believe we, as an industry, have been fortunate over the last few years with plenty to keep us busy, and by the sounds of it, this will continue into 2018. That being said the BCA, your association, wants to be a part of the success of all the members and your team is committed to this. Part of succeeding means having the backing of a skilled team and it seems that attracting talented people into the construction industry is becoming a job unto itself. The BCA team has been working to expose the younger generations to our industry and to generate interest through the Skilled Trades Promotion Committee. One effort was the Barrie Construction Day which proved to be a great success and is one event that will continue on.

    I believe it speaks volumes about our association when a volunteer Board of Directors’ seat can attract a such a diverse, knowledgeable and thoughtful group of individuals who are all committed to elevating the association’s status and expanding our deliverables to our members. I also believe it speaks volumes that our member base is healthy and that the association is strong as a result. I want to extend a sincere thank you to all of you for continuing to support this community through the good times and the bad. We are stronger in numbers.

    I suspect you have heard similar narratives from presidents past: our achievements, our goals and how great our team and members are….Well, we are great. When attending functions through our associate construction associations and COCA, the BCA can stand proud. I will reiterate, we are stronger in numbers. This is an appeal to you, the members, to become involved and to grow the vision.

    “The only limits are, as always, those of vision.” ~ James Broughton