The City of Barrie’s 2021 capital budget includes funding to turn a former fire station into modular supportive housing and $3 million added to the capital budget funded from debt. About $500,000 will go to soil remediation on the property and a call for proposals will be issued shortly for construction.
The budget also includes $7.75 million for the Allandale Transit Hub development.
Some key projects in the 2021 capital budget include:
- New library branch in the Holly area.
- Land acquisition for a new Fire Station to service the Mapleview Road and Prince William Way area.
- The completion of Bryne Drive from Caplan Avenue to Harvie Road to reduce traffic congestion at the Essa Road and Mapleview Drive interchanges by redirecting east / west traffic to the Harvie Road / Big Bay Point Road Highway Crossing.
- Expansion of Essa Road from Coughlin Road to Mapleview Drive West.
- Bell Farm Road reconstruction.
- Completion of the Harvie Road bridge.
- Continued focus on addressing the condition of roads and saving money over the long term with the road resurfacing program.
- Several stormwater projects to address regulatory compliance, protect Lake Simcoe and reduce flooding.
“Our Council is also making a significant investment into the County’s Long Term Care facilities and staff will be reporting back on additional investments in affordable housing, economic development, and the social determinants of health,” Mayor Jeff Lehman noted.
Money is earmarked for a right-of way at Dunlop Street West ($7.5 million this year and $4 million next year); Right of Way expansion on Big Bay Point Road from Bayview Drive to Huronia Road ($1.6 million this year, $5.3 million next year and $3 million in 2023).
One per cent was cut from the city’s dedicated infrastructure renewal fund to reduce the overall budget impact.