The Jordan Abercrombie Memorial Scholarship Award



The year 2016 marked the BCA’s 25th anniversary

To celebrate the occasion, there was a celebration in August, with members, past presidents and former staff members in attendance.

We were privileged to have Jordan Abercrombie join us that day. Abercrombie is a founding father of the BCA, and it was his dedication to the industry that helped change the way we do business today.

We were saddened to hear that just a short time after that celebration that Jordan had passed away.

Each year the Barrie Construction Association is pleased to award $1,000 scholarships to students entering a post-secondary institution or construction trade apprenticeship. This scholarship is presented to students who have graduated or are graduating with a minimum of Grade 12 or equivalent, have demonstrated a combination of academic and trade merit and have a financial need.

The students must be entering a construction apprenticeship program, construction technology, construction engineering (degree) or any other construction related post-secondary program.

In his honour we renamed the Barrie Scholarship Award ‘The Jordan Abercrombie Memorial Scholarship Award’.

This association developed and grew because of Aber’s vision and dedication. We are forever in his debt and he will be remembered often and fondly.