Employment lawyers Sherrard Kuzz LLP will provide insights about responding to union organization in the construction industry at a Barrie Construction Association (BCA) Lunch and Learn session on Tuesday, Feb. 7.
“When responding to a union’s attempt to organize, a construction employer must comply with highly specialized rules within very tight timelines,” the lawyers say. “The key to remaining union free is to act swiftly, precisely and with confidence. This can only be achieved when the employer knows its rights and obligations.”
Topics include:
- How companies become unionized;
- union organizing techniques;
- temporary labour;
- working weekend and holidays;
- employer free speech; and
- how to deal with an application for certification.
The program is free (lunch included) for BCA members. There is a $25 fee for non-members for the event at the BCA offices, 200 Brock St.